(In)fertility, work and you talk

Talk: (In)fertility, work and you

How to support people experiencing difficult journeys to parenthood.

A one hour talk aimed at employees and HR professionals, to enhance your wellbeing and inclusion agendas.


1 in 6 couples in the UK need help to start or grow their family, and all same sex couples or solo parents will do too.  For many, conceiving and having a baby can be a very challenging time in their lives - emotionally, physically and financially – and well-meaning employers and colleagues can struggle to know how best to help.

In this session, Helen Beedham shares her own experience of unexplained infertility and her difficult journey towards parenthood. She'll explain why reproductive health should be included in every organisation's wellbeing policy and benefits, and the steps you can take to raise awareness, encourage dialogue and offer valued, practical support to colleagues. The session will cover:
•    Who can be impacted and how
•    What good support looks like
•    How to open up fertility conversations in your organisation

Helen was on the Steering Committee  of the UK's first Workplace Fertility Community for 3 years and writes and speaks regularly about fertility matters.
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