Kate Adams is a Director at the Forward Institute, an organisation specialising in responsible leadership. Kate has over 20 year’s experience working in both the private sector as a human capital consultant and ‘in house’ at Executive and Non-Executive level for social purpose organisations such as Comic Relief, Nesta, Tech Nation, Missing People and the British Paralympic Association.
She’s a firm advocate for the role leaders can and must play to deliver the change and impact that society needs. Over 90% of organisations are committing to tackling societal issues, but less than 40% are acting. Kate helps senior leaders to take accountability, navigate and close that gap.
"At home, I have less about goals, I suppose, it's more about each day and being present and enjoying the day because we don't know how many days we have, right?"
"The answer is: it's deeply human. It's about deep listening, it's about character, it's about empathy, it's about including different voices and multiple perspectives. It's much more about those things."
"A lot of people assume leaders have the answers, that leaders are good people or bad people. People aren't all good and all bad. Leaders are human beings who are navigating really difficult things."
Helen's award-winning business book: The Future of Time: how 're-working' time can help you boost productivity, diversity and wellbeing.
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