Helen Alkin and Jennifer Goldsmith job-share as Head of Early Careers and Recruitment Strategy Lead at accountancy firm BDO. They first met many years earlier at Marks & Spencer; they moved within a year of each other to British Airways then later on, applied as a jobshare for the opportunity at BDO, and in this episode they share some of their job-share experiences and insights into successful hiring of early career talent.
You can't just look at your early careers strategy in isolation around what are the needs of the business here and now. You absolutely need to connect the dots up.
There's probably a little bit of a disconnect between what students want to be doing in the workplace versus what the workplace currently needs.
As a job share, not only do you know your strengths as part of that job share but equally, you know your partner’s and you understand how the two dovetail together and where that lends itself to opportunities.
Helen's award-winning business book: The Future of Time: how 're-working' time can help you boost productivity, diversity and wellbeing.
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My April blog on 'Not working'.
Connect with Helen (Alkin) and Jen on Linked In.
BDO's website: https://www.bdo.co.uk/en-gb/home