This conversation is all about leaders, the pressures they face, and how they can manage their outsize agendas while staying fit physically and mentally for the task. Whilst leaders might be able to call on more resources to deliver their agenda, they do face constant competing demands on their time, and they don't get any more hours in the day or week than you or I.
So how can leaders take on this challenge and thrive? My guest this week, Mark Bateman, works with leaders worldwide, helping them to disrupt the status quo, transform outcomes, and leave an enduring legacy. Mark has led organizations himself and is currently CEO of WeQual, championing gender equality in corporate leadership roles. He's also the author of
Disruptive Leadership, Using Fire to Drive Purposeful Change, published by Rethink Press in January this year.
All the time we are hearing ultimately what perfection is and really how we as leaders should be turning up almost every single day. And of course the reality is we're all as human as each other.
It would get to maybe mid afternoon and I could barely keep my eyes open. It felt like every cell in my body was a million years old.
As human beings we're amazing, in that if we prioritize sleep we're enabling our batteries to recharge overnight in ways that we can't even fathom.
Helen's award-winning business book: The Future of Time: how 're-working' time can help you boost productivity, diversity and wellbeing.
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Mark on Linked In.
Mark’s personal website:
WeQual’s website:
Mark’s book Disruptive Leadership: Using Fire to Drive Purposeful Change